How to Start a New Local Granny Peace Brigade Group

Aside from adopting the mission statement, each Granny Peace Brigade group is autonomous.

First steps are to:

  • Decide how you want to contribute to the peace movement so that you can choose how to organize in your community.
  • Find a small group of people who want to work with you. Two or three other women is all you need, and by the way, not all of us are grandmothers.

Possible activities:

You can start a vigil. Vigils are most successful when they are regularly scheduled.

You can coordinate meetings with your elected officials. There is helpful material about lobbying on our “Lobbying Congress” page.

Perhaps singing or street theater is your passion. Write your own songs (please share them with us) and visit our “Songs” page.

You may want to relate your work to the area where you live. Are you near a military base, or an area where many young people are enlisting?

A group may pick a particular campaign to work on over time, such as a legislative pressure campaign, countering military recruitment, bringing the National Guard home, or an ongoing regularly scheduled vigil to distribute information about war and increase awareness around the number of soldiers and civilians lost to the war.

When elected officials who are refusing to take action against the war come to town, local groups can organize to bird-dog them, pressuring them into changing their positions with creative and fun actions and inside disruptions.

Once you have some ideas and feel ready to commit to organizing with the Granny Peace Brigade, you can register your local group by emailing us the following information:

Required information:

First and last name of coordinator

City or Town

Zip code




What actions and campaigns do you plan to do locally?

How many people are involved in starting your new local group?

How can Granny Peace Brigade volunteers best support your local group?

We offer phone call trainings on topics such as grassroots organizing, legislative action, and media outreach.

Optional information:

Street address

Cell phone



Any other info you’d like us to know.

By adding your local group to our online listing, you are agreeing to be a local Granny Peace Brigade contact person in your area.

Email us descriptions of the actions you plan so we can post them.

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