Occupy Wall Street-What Can We Learn Here?

Bev, Edith, Joan P and I went to  Zuccotti Park (Liberty St & Broadway) in the drizzly afternoon of the 4th day of the occupation. When we showed up the demonstrators were meeting with a lawyer who is helping with legal strategies.

(Click on photos for larger images.)

The sound system for the meeting was extraordinary. The demonstrators do not have a sound permit so the lawyer said a few words and paused. The people nearest the speaker repeated the words in chorus for the benefit of those who were farther away.



When the demonstrators wanted to show approval they did so silently.


The system worked. Everyone at the meeting (even us half-deaf grannies) was able to follow the discussion. And it more than worked. There was a quiet dignity, a sense of connectedness, respect and cooperation that no electronic sound amplification system has ever produced.

Two marches each day are timed for the opening and closing of the Stock Exchange.


As the afternoon march began promptly at 3:30PM we put on our yellow Granny Peace Brigade tunics and started walking. Again and again we were showered with thank yous and hugs from the ardent, heroic young people around us.


Come to Liberty Plaza now!


See you in the streets.

– Eva-Lee Baird
for the Granny Peace Brigade
Photos 1,2,4,6 & 7 Eva-Lee Baird
Photos 3 & 5 Edith Cresmer

4 thoughts on “Occupy Wall Street-What Can We Learn Here?

  1. Here’s a huge hug to all of you! I have been going down every other day since Sat. I just don’t have the stamina to do it every day 😦 I am concerned that the OWS media people are still running a plea for re chargers and batteries for a dell on the stream this morning. (http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution) On Mon. evening I went with Spike to buy a charger @ Beast Buy but the price was too steep and Spike discouraged me from shelling out of savings. (69+tax)…
    I have been very excited about this since it has rocked Spain and continues to have major political impact there.

    Anyway, I hope to see you all there today.



  2. Thank you so much for being there, I saw you briefly on the live stream this morning, hopefully I will see you again! Solidarity from Portland, Oregon – we are organizing here now.


  3. I’m a reporter with the NYCity News Service out of the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. We’re trying to reach people who were arrested during the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, and we understand that some of the Grannies for Peace may have been among those arrested. This would be for a package we’re now considering putting together on the arrested individuals.

    You can see an example of our package work on City Limits here: http://www.citylimits.org/topics/271/lunchtime-tuesday-hunger-in-brooklyn


  4. Thank you ALL for ALL you are doing! And may you continue to inspire many others to join OCCUPY WALL STREET! May you reach the gentleman from the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism and further spread the word!


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