“Get JROTC out of Schools” – Demo at 65 Court St

"Get JROTC out of the schools"" at 65 Court St Brooklyn
Photo: Danya Abt

Corinne, Joan, Nydia, Betty, Eva-Lee, Barbara H, Carol and Ryoko outside the NYC Board of Education offices at 65 Court Street in Brooklyn. Our message — tell City Council to get the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps out of NYC high schools. Read more about JROTC: A Recruitment Tool In 18 New York City High Schools.

2016_04_13signsA young man saw me carrying signs to the demonstration and said, “You know? I was in JROTC when I was in high school.” I asked him why he joined and he told me he needed an extra curricular activity for his transcript. Then he added, “But I didn’t go into the military. I didn’t want to go to war to steal somebody else’s oil.” I’m glad he made that decision. Not all students do.

Dear New Yorkers, Please call your City Council person and ask her or him to de-fund the JROTC programs in NYC schools. Find the name and number of your City Council Representative here.

— Eva-Lee  Baird
for the GPB

2 thoughts on ““Get JROTC out of Schools” – Demo at 65 Court St

  1. You people should be ashamed. JROTC is not a recruitment program. It is an elective that students choose to be in when they get it to high school. There is no military commitment when joining, it is a leadership and community service program that helps the community especially veterans and encourages young people to be better citizens and to graduate on time. The rifles are all replicas and can’t even be loaded or even modified to become weapon. Trying to get rid of something that most of the cadets consider a second family is disgraceful. I am a high school student that joined jrotc of Theodore Roosevelt Educational Campus later on last year and automatically loved it. Its as harmless as any other program such as the boy/girl scouts.And to end with a Fact, ONLY 15% OF JROTC CADETS GO TO THE MILITARY AFTER HIGHSCHOOL/COLLEGE


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